Δευτέρα 13 Δεκεμβρίου 2021

The Attica Hotels In Vravrona

Amazing attica hotels are situated to the north of today's Porto Rafti, namely at the area of Vravrona. In ancient times, the most important festival in all of Attica in honor of the goddess Artemis was held there. Our well-known Iphigenia was also worshiped in this sanctuary, who according to the legend, brought the stele of the goddess from Taurida to Vravrona, with the help of her brother Orestes. In the following years, the specific cult of Brauronia Artemis was transferred to Athens, with a mosque of the goddess on the Acropolis.

Attica hotels around that area have the privilege of being in one of the most historically significant places in Attica. The myth has it that little girls aged 5-10 lived in Vravronio on the Acropolis, for some time, serving the goddess and having the name "bears". Many pregnant women dedicated their unborn child to the goddess Artemis, in order for it to be born healthy.

Women who had been ordained as "bears" at a young age believed that because of this event they would gain the favor of the goddess in their married life as well. When staying at the attica hotels in the area of Vravrona the visitor can also make a tour to the Archaeological Museum of Vravrona which is located very close to the archeological site. It was built in 1962 and inaugurated in 1969. It houses findings of the sanctuary, but also of the excavations of eastern Attica in general. 

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